These are the 10 best tips for regular training
These are the 10 best tips for regular training. Have you set yourself sporting goals for 2020, but doubt whether you can achieve them? Fitness blogger Flo Buchholz reveals his most effective tricks to help you achieve them with ease
Do you know this: At the beginning of the year, your motivation is high. You go to the gym diligently, but after a few weeks, training is no longer much fun and other things keep getting in the way? Eventually, you may even give up on your goal.
Of course, it’s not easy to stick to a goal. “The reason a project fails is usually a lack of discipline,” says fitness blogger and content creator Flo Buchholz. The good news: “You can train yourself to be disciplined.” The 10 best tips for more motivation in everyday life
Motivation for beginners: Flo’s sporting beginnings
Even Flo, who is a role model for many today, had times when he had to make a change out of inner motivation. As a teenager, he had played football in a club for years, but at some point he no longer felt comfortable in his body: “I suddenly became chubby, but at the same time I was thin.” Flo was 18 years old at the time. His friends had already trained in the gym. The day he accompanied them to training for the first time changed everything: “I caught the training bug and haven’t let go since.” Unlike in the club, in the gym he was able to organize his training as he wanted. “That suited me very well. I also saw physical changes quickly. That motivated me to keep going.”
Fitness blogger Flo Buchholz reveals his most effective tricks that will bring your fitness goals within reach How to motivate yourself to exercise permanently
Excuses are the biggest obstacles to your sporting goal
As a qualified sports and health coach, Flo also passes on his knowledge to athletes in his professional capacity. “I don’t have time. That’s the most common excuse people use for not doing sport. Instead, they sit on the couch for two hours in the evening,” he says. “Everyone finds time for sport during the day: you can go before or after work. Most gyms are open 24 hours. If you really want to, you’ll find a way,” says Florian. Others like to put off training. “As soon as a call from their mother or something else comes up, for example, they use it as a welcome excuse.” Training gets pushed further and further back and is eventually postponed until the next best day. Flo advocates setting priorities. How to motivate yourself to exercise early in the morning
Flo’s 10 best motivational tips: How to achieve your sporting goals
1. First things first
Do your training before you take care of other obligations. Then you will have done what you want for the day and can relax and spend the rest of the day as you wish and enjoy dinner with your friends in the evening.
2. Avoid detours
If you have your bag already packed in the car, you don’t have to drive home after work. There you might sit down and fall into a hole. So be prepared.
3. Block training times
By scheduling time for training every day, you won’t be tempted to make other appointments. For example, if you work until 4 p.m., you won’t have time until 7 p.m., because in between you’ll exercise, shower and eat something.
4. Get reinforcements
By making an appointment with a training partner, you can resist the temptation to skip training. You can also motivate each other to stick to your goals. Social pressure increases motivation.
5. Get motivated
Motivational quotes or videos on the Internet can help you to throw negative thoughts overboard and start your next training session motivated.
6. Put something on your ears
Good music is especially important when you don’t have a training partner. It can get you out of a motivational hole and push you to achieve top performance. For example, I like listening to German rap and hip hop when I train. 5 reasons why you should train in the cold
7. Listen to your rhythm
There are some people who train better in the evening, others who train better in the morning. Personally, I prefer to train in the morning. If I knew I always had to train in the evening, I wouldn’t have much motivation. I want to drink my coffee in the morning and then train. If you’re more of an evening person, you’ll spoil the fun if you always force yourself to train in the morning.
8. Work with vision images
Where do you see yourself in 6 months? It’s a good idea to have a picture of what you want to achieve. Maybe you want to beat the form you were in 2 years ago this year. Having such a concrete goal can keep you going.
9. Take a photo of yourself
If you look in the mirror every day, you may eventually stop seeing how strong you really are. You may start to doubt yourself. Photos can counteract this. They show objectively how you are in shape. Most of the time, you underestimate yourself.
10. Just keep going
Sometimes I can think of better things to do than go to the gym at 6 a.m. But if I know that I won’t have much time to train otherwise, I just do it. If you do it anyway, you feel even better afterwards.
Conclusion: Where motivation ends, discipline begins
If you use these tricks to keep yourself motivated over a longer period of time, you will develop a good routine. Then training will soon be as easy as brushing your teeth. You will just do it and not doubt it. Be aware that after every training session you have completed, you will feel stronger. That is the best reward.
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