10 snacks that give you extra power just before training
10 snacks that give you extra power just before training. Are you about to go to the gym, but your stomach is rumbling? Then it’s high time for a quick energy boost. These pre-workout snacks will give you the boost you need.
To get the most out of your training, it is important to give your body a small pre-workout snack shortly before exercise. This will ensure that you do not give up on the equipment prematurely and that your muscles have enough energy to keep going.
When should you eat before training?
The last large meal before your training session should be two to three hours ago. However, if you are hungry an hour or half an hour before your workout and are worried about your performance, you should quickly eat something small. But consciously choose an easily digestible snack that does not sit heavily in your stomach and at the same time provides an extra energy boost. This is what the perfect post-workout meal looks like
What should you eat before exercise?
To ensure that your digestion doesn’t work at full speed during training and your performance curve doesn’t drop, you should only eat a small amount of food beforehand. Short-chain carbohydrates from bananas or dried fruit provide you with quick energy, but only for a short period of time. But they are more than enough for a brisk workout.
And what’s next?
1. Snack on almonds before exercise
If you snack on a few almonds before training , you will benefit from several advantages: almonds provide a lot of plant protein, a lot of vitamin E, as well as the athlete’s minerals magnesium and potassium. Vitamin E can have an antioxidant effect during exercise and, according to studies, reduce cell damage.
The high-quality fat in almonds doesn’t put a strain on your metabolism, but rather helps regulate it – but only if you eat the almonds in moderation (a small handful) before your workout. And: chew them well, otherwise they can be heavy in your stomach.
2. Bananas are an ideal pre-workout snack
Bananas are probably the most popular pre-workout snack. They are easy to digest (as long as they are not unripe and green), keep you full for a long time and are therefore an ideal source of energy before exercise, especially before a strenuous endurance session. Bananas also contain numerous vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and magnesium. Studies have shown that magnesium and potassium are absolutely essential (vital) for us and are involved in numerous functions in the body. Among other things, they promote communication between nerve and muscle cells and thus ensure smooth muscle function. How to Find the Best Time for Muscle Building Training
3. Eat cottage cheese before training
Grainy cream cheese – also called cottage cheese – is an ideal last snack before exercise because it is low in fat and calories, but contains a lot of healthy protein . Your muscles will benefit from this in particular, as they depend on a constant supply of protein-rich foods, as they are made up of protein building blocks, the amino acids. Cottage cheese also provides hardly any carbohydrates, but a large amount of calcium.
Tip: Pimp your pre-workout snack with honey and fruit as a small, additional energy booster.
4. Rice cakes or toast for a quick energy boost
Rice cakes and toast provide quickly available, short-chain carbs – in other words, they are excellent “last-minute energy sources”. In addition, these two foods are low in fat and provide hardly any fiber or protein. In nutritional terms, they are not particularly valuable, as they do not have many healthy ingredients to offer. But they are ideal as short-term energy sources before exercise (spread with honey or jam), as they are easy to digest.
Your blood sugar level will rise rapidly: use the effect for a tough workout.
5. A protein bar is practical and quick to snack on
You can always have a protein bar around an hour before training. You can now find them in almost every supermarket and you can take them with you practically anywhere. The bar provides you with energy and amino acids, the small building blocks of your muscle cells. The small snack is also ideal after training to provide your muscles with optimal protein.
At 50 to 70 grams, most bars are small enough that your training is not negatively affected by possible digestive problems. However, if the bar is rather large and contains a lot of chocolate or a lot of nuts, then only eat half and snack on the rest afterwards. The protein is filling for a long time and a portion that is too large so soon before training could otherwise sit heavily in your stomach.
6. Eat peanut butter with fruit
One to two tablespoons of nut butter (or almond butter ) dipped in apple slices or banana slices will provide you with plenty of healthy, unsaturated fatty acids and high-quality, plant-based protein before training. But make sure you check the ingredients when buying: your body can do without added sugar. The nut butter should consist of 100 percent nuts. A little salt is okay, though.
You can use peanut butter for dipping fruit
7. Snack on dried fruit before your workout
Dried fruits provide the body with plenty of potassium (for regeneration after exercise) as well as quickly available energy – making them the ideal snack before your workout. However, you should be able to control yourself: 2 to 3 dried fruits are completely sufficient, otherwise the fructose and the fiber they contain will be difficult to digest in your stomach during your workout.
Dried apricots, figs or apple rings are particularly suitable. Important: When eating dried fruit, make sure you drink enough.
8. Enjoy natural yogurt with honey
Natural yoghurt not only contains plenty of protein for building muscle, but also important minerals, including magnesium and calcium. The body loses a lot of minerals through strenuous exercise, so the reserves must be constantly replenished so that you can perform at your best.
Magnesium is important for energy metabolism, improves regeneration and protects against premature fatigue. Calcium also supports muscle contraction.
Tip: Add a little honey or maple syrup and a few berries to the yogurt to provide additional energy for your workout.
9. Oatmeal for long-term energy
A portion of oatmeal with water or yogurt is a good choice both before and after exercise. The flakes contain long-chain carbohydrates and so-called beta-glucans, which belong to the group of fiber. According to studies , these ensure that your blood sugar level only rises slowly and the body is thus supplied with energy evenly over a longer period of time. In addition, the beta-glucans have a positive effect on your intestines and cholesterol levels . This creates the perfect conditions for consistently good performance during training.
Eat a small portion (around 50 grams) of oatmeal about an hour before training, not later. Experiment to find the ideal amount for you without feeling stuffed afterwards. Alternatively, you can eat a larger portion (100 grams) one to two hours beforehand.
10. An espresso for more focus during training
Some people take pre-workout boosters with caffeine before training, others drink an espresso. A cup of coffee or a double espresso (without sugar) boosts your nervous system, expands the blood vessels and makes you more awake and focused. This is especially useful on days when your motivation is rather low. The caffeine rush before your workout can increase your focus so that you can concentrate fully on your training.
Admittedly, an espresso does not contain as much caffeine as a good booster (for example Götterpuls from OS NUTRITION ) and is therefore less effective. But for those who are sensitive to caffeine, the natural coffee kick is enough. In addition, pre-workout boosters in the form of powder or capsules can also be dangerous.
Good to know: Your body gets used to the caffeine over time and the effect weakens. So don’t drink coffee before every workout!
Conclusion: Train more effectively with the right snacks
Small snacks before training ensure that you can get going. They should provide you with quick energy in the form of carbohydrates and protein. Minerals such as magnesium and calcium also help prevent muscle cramps and promote regeneration.
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