5 Methods to Quit Smoking
5 Methods to Quit Smoking. Five Men’s Health colleagues wanted to become non-smokers. Which methods worked and which didn’t. Our practical check.
Anyone who has made the firm decision to give up smoking is not alone in their fight against nicotine addiction. There are plenty of products and techniques on the market that are designed to help make nicotine withdrawal easier, more pleasant and quicker. Our staff have tested which smoking cessation methods keep their promises.
1. E-cigarette – not a healthy way to quit smoking
It looks like a cigarette, is smoked like one and contains nicotine like one. What is missing are toxins like tar and carbon monoxide. According to the manufacturer, this is a way to slowly quit smoking.
The problem: “Anyone who consumes nicotine-containing e-products – whether e-cigarettes or e-tobacco heaters – can become dependent on nicotine relatively quickly, because nicotine is highly addictive. In addition, consumption can maintain a nicotine dependency that was previously caused by smoking tobacco cigarettes. This is why e-products are not recommended as a method for completely abstaining from nicotine, i.e. quitting smoking that includes both smoking tobacco cigarettes and consuming e-products,” explains Michaela Goecke , head of the department for topic-specific health education at the Federal Center for Health Education ( BZgA ). “The long-term effects of consuming e-products on health have not yet been sufficiently scientifically investigated – in the short term, heart rate and blood pressure can increase or allergies can occur.” These are the side effects of quitting smoking.
Tom Heinzius, former intern: “When I was craving cigarettes, I reached for an e-cigarette. Unfortunately, I didn’t smoke less.”
2. Hypnosis – an expensive method to quit smoking
Just like in your sleep, you should be able to stop smoking after just one to three sessions. The cost is around 150 euros per session. The therapist links the cigarette with negative images and thus drives away the addiction. “You don’t have to believe in hypnosis. The only important thing is that you have the will to stop,” says Dr. Elmar Basse , a hypnotist from Hamburg. You can find hypnosis CDs on Amazon, for example.
Anna Grobler, freelancer: “I felt a little uneasy about letting myself go like that with a stranger. But the results speak for themselves: immediately after the first treatment, my aggressive craving for cigarettes disappeared. And the best thing about it is: it hasn’t stopped until today. Now I can finally do sports without wheezing.”
Studies conducted on hypnotherapy in people trying to quit smoking through hypnosis have mostly reached more critical conclusions: Scientists evaluated 14 studies with 1926 participants and published their results in the Cochrane Library in 2019. Their conclusion: “There is no clear evidence that hypnotherapy is better than other approaches in helping people quit smoking. If there is a benefit, the current evidence suggests that the benefit is small at best.”
3. Nicotine gum – a long-term method to curb nicotine addiction
The addiction is satisfied by chewing, because nicotine is absorbed through the mucous membranes. It can take three to six months and costs you about 50 cents per nicotine gum . The disadvantage: “With high consumption there is a risk of nicotine overdose,” says head pharmacist Professor Christian Franken from Heerlen. The advantage: For many people, smoking is a ritual – like chewing gum.
Christopher Zlotos, former trainee: “I didn’t like them – they taste horrible and scratch my throat. But they curbed my cravings, I only smoke at the weekend now. Normal chewing gum works for me now too.” What young men need to know about myocarditis
4. Nicotine patches – a smoking cessation method for heavy smokers
There are nicotine patches of various strengths. When attached to the arm, they release nicotine at a constant rate throughout the day. “They are therefore particularly suitable for heavy smokers,” explains Professor Franken. You should plan on three to six months until you are ready to quit. Price: around 60 euros for 21 patches.
Christian Pätzold, fashion editor: “It was great to use: stick it on in the morning and you’re done! For me, who enjoys smoking, it didn’t help my addiction because it only satisfies my need for nicotine, not my habit. I lasted exactly three weeks.”
5. Acupuncture – method for smokers who want to quit smoking immediately
Now listen carefully, because this is exactly where an acupuncturist will insert short permanent needles that look like small plasters for around 50 euros. They stay on the skin for a week. This is supposed to reduce the withdrawal symptoms. “The needles can also be stimulated with a magnet,” says Dr. Christina Sander , an acupuncturist from Hamburg.
Anja Baumgarten, a colleague at Women’s Health: “The only unpleasant part was inserting the needles. Apart from that, I was pleasantly surprised that I had absolutely no feeling of addiction within the seven days. After that, I held out for another three months before I started smoking again. Maybe I just lacked the final will – or a few more needles.”
Studies on the topic of acupuncture and nicotine withdrawal were also reviewed and evaluated. The result: “For acupuncture compared with sham acupuncture, weak evidence was shown for a smaller short-term benefit, but not for a long-term benefit.”
These books may support you more effectively on your way to becoming a non-smoker:
- The classic: Allen Carr’s “Stop Smoking” book: The final point method described in it has already produced generations of non-smokers.
- “Simply smoke-free through life” by Marcus Rinner
- “Just stopped!” by Carsten Meyer
What is the best way to quit smoking?
Anyone can stop smoking. But not everyone can give up the toxic smoke for good straight away. If you try too often, you will eventually lose all faith that you can actually become a non-smoker. Therefore: Find out about the methods that can help you quit smoking.
Background: According to the “German Survey on Smoking Behavior” study 2023 ( DEBRA ), around 37.6 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds and 34.4 percent of Germans over 25 are active tobacco smokers, plus 1.9 percent of e-cigarette users and 0.6 percent of tobacco heater users. Not to forget the increasing number of shisha users, especially among young people. “The consumption of shisha is associated with a more intensive exposure to largely the same toxins as with conventional cigarettes, so that shisha smoking is considered to be more dangerous to health than the consumption of conventional cigarettes,” writes the German Medical Journal .
12.5 percent of German smokers will have made at least one serious attempt to quit smoking in 2023. Be one of those who succeed!
Exercise in the fresh air is one of the best companions in the first period of non-smoking. Tip: Start by running. Set yourself goals, our training plan will help you:
Support your psyche by seriously considering the dangers of smoking. For example, realize that smokers die on average 10 years earlier than people who have never smoked, according to the Health Knowledge Foundation .
And then: hang in there! Many new non-smokers find it helpful to see how their body benefits from nicotine withdrawal with each passing hour. You can read about it here: .
So what is the best method to quit smoking?
According to the experts at the BZgA, the path to quitting smoking varies greatly from individual to individual (the addiction counseling center also offers help, you can find information about this here ). For our colleagues, none of the 5 methods mentioned above were really helpful, apart from hypnosis.
The most proven method of becoming a non-smoker is the final point method. With this method, you set a date from which you want to be smoke-free. You prepare yourself mentally for the deadline by becoming aware of your smoking behavior beforehand. Studies show that verbally conveying the disadvantages of smoking alone produces better results than combining the same content with nicotine gum, for example. Don’t let yourself be distracted by supposed smoking cessation aids, but use your common sense!
Also, think about what will help you best to avoid reaching for a pack of cigarettes after you stop smoking. Try simple tricks like an anti-stress ball or a non-smoking diary . If in doubt, it helps to take a brisk walk.
There is no one right way to stop smoking. Look into the different ways to become a non-smoker, but don’t try one after the other indiscriminately. Try to find the method that works best for you and stick to it as if there were no other. With a strong will, you too will be able to finally give up smoking.
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