How to finally make your six-pack visible
How to finally make your six-pack visible. Abdominal muscle training alone is not enough to make your six-pack visible. The decisive factor is your body fat percentage! Read here how you can reduce it so that your abdominal muscles stand out.
Everyone has different tips when it comes to reducing body fat and revealing the abdominal muscles beneath the last layer of fat. Apparently, there are many ways to get a six-pack – so here are 3 strong experts answering the 22 most important washboard questions:
- Professor Stephan Geisler lectures at the IST Sports University in Düsseldorf.
- Personal trainer and strength coach Daniel Knebel trains Olympians and other professional athletes in Wuppertal
- Doctor Moritz Tellmann is not only a doctor, but also a Men’s Health cover model
At what body fat percentage can you see the six-pack?
Doctor Moritz Tellmann: “There are quite a few scientists who claim that this is the case from 10 percent body fat. However, the range of variation is enormous, i.e. depending on which type you are, you will have abdominal muscles if your body fat level is between 6 and 15 percent.
It also depends on the distribution of fat in the body and the question of where nature has placed the fat deposits in you. If you are more of a hip-focused type, a toned six-pack can certainly be visible with a body fat percentage (BFP) of 15 percent. The majority of men, however, are clearly of the abdominal type, so if the BFP of the lower extremities is around 8 percent and the total BFP is 12 percent, the 4 percent difference is found entirely on the stomach. Then the six-pack remains hidden despite an overall lean appearance.” This is what you have to eat if you want to have a six-pack
How much body fat is too much – and why?
Coach Daniel Knebel:
“If you are older than 30, too much body fat can increase the risk of a whole range of health problems. These include high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, but also osteoarthritis, diabetes and cancer. According to statistical data, too much means 25 percent for men and 30 percent for women. Personally, however, I think that 20 percent for men and 25 percent for women is simply too much.”
Professor Stephan Geisler:
“For men, if you have more than 17 percent, you no longer look fit, and if you have more than 20 percent, it becomes a health problem. Too much fat can cause all kinds of problems in the body. Fat, especially visceral fat, is partly to blame for premature vascular diseases and can lead to heart attacks and strokes.”
How much body fat is healthy?
Doctor Moritz Tellmann: “The distinction between increased body fat and fat percentage depends on age, but it should be under 20 percent, ideally even less than 15 percent. More than that not only looks bad, but also has a metabolic-physiological impact. Fat tissue is a storage location for energy, but it is also endocrine. This means that it is extremely hormone-active tissue.
Numerous studies have attributed an inflammatory effect to fatty tissue . This is where so-called adipokines are formed, which can ultimately at least fuel inflammations such as arteriosclerosis. In addition, fat also means weight. This increases the load, especially for all load-bearing surfaces, which include cartilage, for example. Visceral fat, which is close to organs, is extremely risky, as it can play a decisive role in cardiovascular diseases due to its high vascular connection.”
What types of body fat are there?
Professor Stephan Geisler:
“Basically, a distinction is made between the subcutaneous fat between the skin and muscle (subcutaneous) and the visceral fat that surrounds the internal organs. The former is not particularly attractive, but visceral fat is actually very dangerous. There is also the so-called brown fat tissue . This is primarily intended to generate energy, but adults – in contrast to babies – only have rudiments of it in their bodies.” This is what the ideal warm-up for every workout looks like
What does body fat percentage say about fitness?
Professor Stephan Geisler:
“Not as much as you might think at first. Depending on how you define the term fitness, it might even have nothing to do with it. After all, a very important aspect of fitness is strength. And? Have you ever seen what the strongman participants or the strongest weightlifters in the world look like?”
Coach Daniel Knebel:
“With a lower body fat percentage, you are generally healthier. Fat is dead mass that you have to carry with you during all physical movements. This leads to a number of disadvantages for athletes: Too much body fat affects the vertical jump height and sprint speed, it has a negative effect on changes of direction, braking and acceleration. With a low body fat percentage, the risk of injury is also reduced, intramuscular friction decreases, endurance improves and hormone levels increase, such as testosterone and growth hormone .”
Doctor Moritz Tellmann:
“There is not necessarily a linear correlation. For example, a person with a high body fat percentage can be extremely fit and well trained, while on the other hand there are slim and gaunt people with poor fitness. Basically, being fit means not only being physically fit, but also being on top of things in terms of nutrition. At this point at the latest, if your body fat percentage is significantly too high, you should ask yourself where the problem lies – with intake or with consumption? Ultimately, it is usually a combination. So anyone who does something for their fitness should notice that their body fat percentage decreases with a smart lifestyle.” These exercises help with funnel chest
Which method measures fat most accurately?
Professor Stephan Geisler:
“The most precise reference methods of all are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and hydrostatic underwater weighing. However, both measurement methods are rarely used and only in medical facilities. The so-called dual X-ray absorptiometry – abbreviated: DEXA – and the ultrasound method can also produce reliable results.”
Coach Daniel Knebel:
“The DEXA scan is the best method. It distinguishes between bone, muscle and fat tissue. But it violates the X-ray regulations and is therefore not suitable for regular checks. I like to use the caliper, a special measuring clamp . With a little practice, you can get exact results.”
Doctor Moritz Tellmann:
“Because DEXA is not suitable for everyday use due to the radiation exposure, we recommend bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), which is carried out while lying down.”
How exactly does the BIA method work?
Professor Stephan Geisler: “It is based on the idea that fat mass has a different electrical resistance than organic mass. To measure it, electricity is passed through the body via several electrodes. Based on the measured resistance, it is possible to calculate which mass the electricity has passed through.”
Are body fat scales generally useless?
Professor Stephan Geisler: “It all depends on the body fat scale . Some can do more, others less. There are differences in quality, especially depending on the price; a scale for just 30 euros from the electronics store is certainly not one of the most accurate.”
Does it make sense to measure body fat with pliers?
Coach Daniel Knebel:
“ Yes. But one thing first: So-called plastic calipers hardly provide any useful results. A decent measuring pliers are made of steel. They have a scale that moves when the blades are opened and closed. When measuring, I grasp different folds of skin in the same way and measure their thickness with the caliper. I then enter the values into computer software, which then determines the fat percentage and lean mass.
Each measurement only takes a few minutes and requires little equipment. When it comes to where to place the pliers, the basic rule is: the more folds you measure, the more accurate the results. I measure 12, namely: chin, cheek, chest, midaxillary line (between the iliac crest and the armpit), supraliac (on the iliac crest), belly button, quadriceps, knee, calf, subscapularis (on the medial edge of the shoulder blade), triceps and gluteus.” (see illustration below). The 6 most common causes of itching in the genital area
Can low body fat be healthy in the long term?
Doctor Moritz Tellmann: “Of course, because the measures themselves that contribute to a low body fat percentage are healthy: lots of exercise, sport, sex, good sleep and healthy, balanced food. Of course, this only applies if the healthy lifestyle is also consistent. A constantly fluctuating body fat percentage means additional stress for the organism because it is constantly tricked into believing there is a lack or excess. So try to bring a certain balance into your life and, if possible, not go from one extreme to the other, or at least not often.”
What is the ideal body fat percentage?
Coach Daniel Knebel:
“In my opinion, the optimal body fat percentage for men is between 8 and 10 percent, for women between 12 and 15 percent. For professional athletes, the situation is different – the ideal body fat percentage depends on the sport: for sprinters, it should be between 5 and 8 percent, for bodybuilders in the competition phase between 3 and 5 percent, and for footballers between 6 and 8 percent. But one thing always applies: the lowest healthy body fat percentage is 5 percent.”
Professor Stephan Geisler:
“For a man, I recommend 10 to 15 percent body fat, for a woman, just under 20 percent.”
Doctor Moritz Tellmann:
“ The optimal body fat percentage for life expectancy and subjective well-being is between 6 and 15 percent for men and between 10 and 20 percent for women. A percentage that is too low usually causes significantly fewer problems than one that is too high, as long as there are enough muscles involved in heat production.”
The following table summarizes our experts’ body fat recommendations:
Trainer | Men (%) | Women (%) |
Knebel | 8-10% | 12-15% |
Geisler | 10-15% | 20-25% |
Tellmann | 6-15% | 10-20% |
Do I have to eat low carb to reduce body fat?
Coach Daniel Knebel:
“No. Low carb can work, but it doesn’t have to. Depending on your hormonal situation, low carb can even make you fat(er) and sick. Even a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet can make you fatter if you’re under a lot of stress, because the stress hormone cortisol mobilizes proteins from the muscles – i.e. breaks down muscles – and converts them into glucose, i.e. sugar, in the liver via gluconeogenesis.” The 6 most common causes of itching in the genital area
Does fat have anything to do with body fat?
Doctor Moritz Tellmann: “Of course! Chemically speaking, it’s the same thing. But: consuming fat doesn’t automatically mean getting fat. The myth that fat makes you fat is long out of date. What actually increases body fat is the combination of sugar and unhealthy fat. Then the insulin released immediately transports the dietary fat into storage. A healthy fat intake consists of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Around 1 to 1.5 grams of fat per kilogram of body weight per day is optimal. Tip: 30 percent olive oil, 30 percent rapeseed oil and 40 percent fat intake from nuts and fatty fish.”
Strength or cardio – which reduces body fat?
Professor Stephan Geisler:
“A combination of both forms of training is the fastest way to achieve this – many studies have shown this.”
Coach Daniel Knebel:
“Depending on the execution, both methods have the potential to reduce body fat. For this reason, you should definitely combine cardio and strength training. Strength training increases muscle mass and thus the basal metabolic rate. With certain methods – for example: 2 basic exercises, each of which consists of 10 sets of 10 repetitions and a 1-minute break between sets – you boost the production of growth hormone and testosterone. In the endurance segment, speed games or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with constant alternation between intense exertion and short recovery are the most effective. Jogging or walking alone has no direct effect on body fat.” The best exercises for the 7 most neglected muscles
Doctor Moritz Tellmann:
“Ultimately, it’s a combination of both. If I had to choose one method, it would clearly be strength training. The measured energy consumption during a single session is lower, but the long-term effect is significantly greater – due to the increased muscle mass, the resulting increased basal metabolic rate, the hormone-active muscles and a possible afterburn effect . My tip: 45 to 60 minutes of strength training combined with 15 minutes of high-intensity interval training, that works very well.”
Which cardio workout burns a lot of fat?
Coach Daniel Knebel:
“Sprint intervals are best: first warm up for 5 minutes, then sprint for 40 seconds and run slowly for 2 minutes. Increase the number of sets from unit to unit and shorten the recovery time between sprints to 90 seconds.”
Coach Daniel Knebel’s training recommendations are presented here again in table form:
Training Session | Sets | Effort Phase: Sprint | Recovery Phase |
1 and 2 | 6 | 40 seconds | 2:00 minutes |
3 and 4 | 7 | 40 seconds | 1:45 minutes |
5 and 6 | 8 | 40 seconds | 1:30 minutes |
7 and 8 | 9 | 40 seconds | 1:30 minutes |
9 and 10 | 10 | 40 seconds | 1:30 minutes |
Increase the number of repetitions, decrease the body fat percentage – right?
Professor Stephan Geisler: “Not necessarily. The number of repetitions is not really important because you don’t burn many more calories by doing more repetitions. Only if you take shorter breaks do your metabolic turnover and afterburn increase. By the way, the right diet is much more important than the type of training or the number of repetitions.”
What are the best fat burning foods?
Doctor Moritz Tellmann:
” Coffee and green tea are great. Water is even more important. Not drinking enough is the number one metabolic brake. The reason: metabolism takes place in a liquid environment. Caffeine and secondary plant substances in green tea can give an extra boost to a certain extent, especially before training, but only in combination with exercise. You should also banish anything that contains refined sugar so that insulin levels remain as low as possible. Do you want to slow down your fat metabolism? A glass of cola is enough.”
Which supplements reduce body fat?
Coach Daniel Knebel:
“Green tea extract is great – the catechins it contains have numerous positive effects on the metabolism. The dose should be between 200 and 750 milligrams per day. In addition, fish oil or omega-3 fatty acids reduce cortisol levels, and fewer stress hormones always mean less body fat. Fish oil also reduces the risk of heart attack and arteriosclerosis. It works best in combination with endurance and strength training. Take about 3 grams per day with meals. BCAAs are also recommended for fat loss. The essential amino acids help to increase muscle mass. BCAAs in powder form are particularly easy for the body to absorb.”
Which exercises promote fat burning?
Coach Daniel Knebel:
“Overall, it’s not about individual exercises, but about the overall concept of the training. However, there are exercises that reduce body fat more efficiently than others through favorable hormonal and metabolic adaptation. These include squats, pull-ups, deadlifts, bench presses and neck presses. When doing squats, always prefer the deep version!” The 5 most popular physical fitness activities to stay in shape
squats with barbell
level | main region | aids |
beginners | legs, butt | barbell |
exercise steps
- Place the barbell on your neck and grasp it with both hands. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Feet pointing slightly outwards. Tighten your core.
- Squat deeply. Point your knees towards your toes. Keep your upper body as upright as possible. Straighten your knees and hips and return to an upright position.
pull-ups with an overhand grip
level | main region | aids |
Advanced | Back | pull-up bar |
exercise steps
- Grip the pull-up bar with an overhand grip approximately shoulder-width apart.
- Start the movement by pulling your shoulder blades down and then pulling up with your arms until your chin is above the bar. Slowly lower again.
deadlift with barbell and straight legs
level | main region | aids |
Advanced | buttocks, back | barbell |
exercise steps
- Hold the barbell about shoulder-width apart. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Tighten your core and stick your chest out.
- Push your buttocks back as far as possible and lean your upper body forward. Keep your knees straight. Keep your torso tensed so that your back stays straight. Bring the barbell to the floor as close to your body as possible. Push your hips forward, tense your buttocks and return to the starting position.
bench press with barbell
level | main region | aids |
beginners | Breast | bench barbell |
exercise steps
- Lie on your back on the weight bench. Put your feet up so that the soles of your feet are completely touching the floor. Hold the barbell vertically upwards with your arms outstretched. Grip wider than shoulder width.
- Bend your arms and lower the weight in a controlled manner. The angle between your upper arm and upper body should be less than 90 degrees. The lowest point is when the barbell touches your chest. Push the weight back up.
Shoulder press with barbell in front and behind the neck
level | main region | aids |
Advanced | Shoulder | barbell |
exercise steps
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place the barbell behind your neck and grasp it with both hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Tighten your core.
- Stretch your arms and press the barbell over your head.
- Bend your arms again and lower the weight. This time, bring the barbell in front of your body. The lowest point is when the barbell is at about the height of your collar bone. Reverse the movement.
Can I build muscle and reduce body fat at the same time?
Doctor Moritz Tellmann: “Nothing could be easier. With a slight calorie deficit, lots of protein and hard strength training, it’s very possible. After all, we’re not talking about building mass, but about building muscle. That means: there’s a slight downward trend on the scales, but your muscle mass increases and your body fat decreases. It’s a myth that both things don’t work at the same time. In fact, it’s physically impossible to build body mass and lose weight at the same time – it would be like driving forwards and backwards at the same time.”
How do sleep and stress affect body fat percentage?
Doctor Moritz Tellmann:
“Poor or insufficient sleep means a long-term risk of obesity – not because you necessarily eat more, but because the regenerative hormones with fat-metabolizing effects (growth hormones) cannot work as they should. Sleep is also incredibly important for muscle growth and ultimately leads to you using more energy.
Stress can have a positive effect on fat burning in the short term because you use up energy. But with long-term, uncompensated stress, cortisol and adrenaline increase and switch the metabolism to muscle breakdown. Many people compensate for this by eating too much. Cortisol counteracts the positive hormones testosterone and growth hormone, so regeneration falls by the wayside.
Water retention can lead to even more frustration. Basically, all everyday factors that trigger stress can have an adverse effect on body fat percentage via the stress cascade – time pressure, eating quickly, arguments, dissatisfaction, etc. That’s why slowing down in everyday life is the magic word for more fat burning. Poisons and so-called endocrine disruptors such as plasticizers are also suspected of having a negative effect on metabolism and fat loss. However, the connections have hardly been scientifically proven so far.”
What else influences body fat percentage?
Doctor Moritz Tellmann:
“Just how you feel during the day, how much exercise you do every day, your job, your attitude to body fat and your sex life can influence your body fat percentage. Of course there is also a genetic component, but this is rarer than many people think. In only about 10 percent of all cases of significant obesity could genetics play a role.
It is probably more likely that genes do not make you fat, but lazy. Medications such as antidepressants can also lead to more body fat. But you should not focus too much on body fat. A high proportion of muscle in the body is much more important. This also ensures less body fat in the long term.”
Coach Daniel Knebel:
“The distribution of body fat is influenced by hormones. Testosterone, for example, leads to a decentralization of fat, which means that the belly disappears. The stress hormone cortisol has exactly the opposite effect and leads to increased fat storage in the front of the stomach. Insulin causes fat on the hips. If, on the other hand, fat increases on the calves, this indicates a lack of growth hormone.
In women, a flat bottom and a fat stomach after the menopause indicate that there is less estrogen and progesterone there, but more testosterone and insulin. Before the menopause, thick thighs in women are due to higher estrogen levels. Hormonal problems like these can be examined very well and then quickly improved through diet, exercise and nutritional supplements .”
How to lose fat quickly at the last minute?
Coach Daniel Knebel:
“If you need to get in shape quickly – for example, because you’re going on holiday next week and want to reduce your body fat percentage as much as possible – then get the most out of your shape with this last-minute approach: Eat only vegetables, fruit, meat and fish for the 7 days before you go on holiday and drink water or green tea. Avoid eggs, dairy products and grains during this period. I also recommend a colon cleanse and dehydration.
To cleanse the colon, simply add 1 teaspoon of ground linseed to each meal in the last few days before your holiday. To dehydrate, drink 5 to 6 liters of water for 5 consecutive days and consume more salt than usual with meals, ideally half a teaspoon 3 times a day.
The day before, reduce your fluid intake to the absolute minimum and stop consuming salt – then you force your body to dehydrate. Dandelion and nettle capsules also help. On the beach, a glass of cola and a few fitness exercises will help you gain volume. and fullness of the muscles quickly returns.”
Conclusion: Less body fat makes you healthier
There are many ways to get a six-pack, as our experts confirm. With targeted measures such as a healthy diet, combined strength and endurance training, and a reduction in stress and sufficient sleep, you can effectively reduce your body fat percentage, which automatically means you live a healthier life.
Depending on your body type, you will start to develop abdominal muscles if your body fat percentage is between 6 and 15 percent. With a sustainable approach and patience, you can soon achieve healthy and visible results!
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