The 10 best tips for more motivation in everyday life
The 10 best tips for more motivation in everyday life. Planning is good, but getting started is even better. And above all: put yourself under enough pressure to achieve your goal. We’ll show you how to boost your motivation
If you have goals, you have to work on achieving them regularly. If you want to lose weight, for example, you have to train regularly. But how do you manage to keep getting yourself going? Have you tried several times before but never made it to the end? Our advice: Be clear about where you failed and think about how you can overcome these hurdles when you try again. Do you find it difficult to train in bad weather? Then you have to look for alternatives for rainy days. For example: “When the weather is bad, I go to the circuit training in the home gym.” Have you fallen back into old eating habits after a few weeks? Then create a precise meal plan with breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks – and stick to it. The more precisely you plan your new attempt, the easier it will be for you to stick with it. How to Find the Best Time for Muscle Building Training
Here’s how to boost your motivation:
1. Every resolution needs concrete planning
“General plans become fixed goals. Implementation is made much easier by precise specifications of time and place,” explains Dr. Marlies Pinnow, head of the Motivation Psychology working group at the Ruhr University Bochum. Do you want to lose 5 kilos in the next 6 months? Put together a realistic time and training plan for the six months. On our pages you will find the appropriate support in the form of nutrition plans and delicious, healthy recipes:
2. Just start
“The beginning is usually the hardest part,” explains Cologne-based motivational coach Dr. Stefan Frädrich, adding: “Motivation often comes automatically through action.” In other words: once you’ve made the beginning, you’ve overcome the biggest hurdle. You can do it! This test will show you how fit you really are .
3. Split your tasks
The advantage of this strategy: Small projects are easier to achieve than the final goal. This way, you can celebrate a smaller success more often. A to-do list on which you can regularly tick off points and which keeps getting smaller has a similar effect. Document your progress in a training or weight loss diary.
4. Increase your motivation by visualizing goals
Don’t let other things distract you from your plans. The best way to keep your plans in mind is to write goals on little notes that you hand out at home or at work. It’s important that you keep an eye on them at all times. Stick the notes addressed to yourself on the fridge, on the dashboard in your car or on the monitor on your desk. This way you can lose 10 kilos in 8 weeks. How to get a six-pack in 8 weeks
5. Tell others about your plans
This increases social control and increases expectations of you. Just think of it as a kind of positive peer pressure. It’s also even better when you can tell your friends about your successes. So don’t disappoint your buddies – you’re guaranteed to have a winner inside you too! This makes sport for two really fun .
6. Find lots of fellow campaigners
Whether you want to achieve a sporting, health or professional goal, it will work better in a group where everyone is pursuing the same goal. The reason: If you ever get a little slumpy, your fellow participants will be there to help and advise you. So, sign up for Weight Watchers or just find a running group.
7. Take an example from others
Take an example from people who have already successfully implemented their plans. This could be a celebrity, for example, but also a colleague or your neighbor. Such role models give you the courage to finally tackle your own goals. Tell yourself: “If he managed it, then I can do it too!” .
8. Bet on yourself
A US study has shown that men who bet money on sticking to their plan for six months have a success rate of 97 percent. After six months, one in two of the comparison group had already failed. So, always bet on the best – on yourself! Then, in the best case scenario, it will be doubly worthwhile: both physically and financially.
9. Think about the future
And only think about the positive aspects. Motivational psychologist Pinnow recommends: “Dream about how much better you will feel when you reach your goal – that helps.” So quitting smoking means you will lead a healthier life. More exercise leads to a better body image and well-being in the long term. So you can only win. These are the 20 best abdominal exercises in the world
10. Create artificial time pressure
All you need is a weekly overview in which you can write down your tasks. If a workout is scheduled for Monday, the exercise session must be completed on that day. The more seriously you take these appointments, the less often you will skip training – after all, you don’t go to an appointment with your boss just because you feel like it.
So: break free from old patterns of thinking and behavior and start today. With our 10 best tips, you can increase your motivation and really get going!
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