The 15 most effective weight loss exercises

The 15 most effective weight loss exercises. Do you finally want to do more exercise again and fight winter fat? With these 15 weight loss exercises to do at home you will lose weight better than jogging etc.

Did you eat a little too many vanilla crescents and mulled wine over the Christmas holidays? In the dark, wet and cold season, you didn’t have the right opportunity for sport or simply the desire? Regardless, now is the best time to attack again! Because these are still “fresh” pounds that can be shed more quickly. After all, you want to quickly get back to your old form and have not yet given up or gotten used to the belly of prosperity.

At least some of it is due to retained water and an overloaded intestine, especially after Christmas gluttony. If you take immediate countermeasures and get back to a balanced diet and regular exercise, you’ll get rid of those Christmas pounds faster than you can buy a new pair of pants!

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The 15 most effective exercises for losing weight

Which sport is ideal for losing weight?

Basically, of course, any type of sport is better than no sport, and in order to stay motivated in the long term, you should, above all, find a sport that you enjoy. However, if you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important to do a calculation: If you burn more energy than you take in, you’ll soon be back to the same weight as you were before your gourmet days.
An adapted and, above all, balanced diet and exercise are the most important sparring partners. So if you are looking for a sport that makes losing weight particularly easy, you should prefer strength training to endurance training. Does that surprise you?

Here are two unbeatable arguments for strength training: Firstly, you burn more energy in the same amount of time when cycling, running, swimming etc. than when lifting dumbbells – but after the latter you benefit from an afterburn effect that is up to 15 percent greater .

This means: You will continue to burn more calories after your workout, even if you have already put your feet up again. Second, muscle mass uses more energy overall. Muscular people therefore have a higher basal metabolic rate per se.

Now, strength training doesn’t necessarily mean that you only have to bench press weights or do deadlifts. You can add a little more flexibility and speed to your strength training by training at home with your own body weight and completing several exercises in a row without a break in order to burn as many calories as possible during the workout.

Which exercises are best for losing weight?

Anything that puts a lot of strain on your body. And it’s best to activate several muscle groups in one fell swoop. Because the more muscles work, the more energy you burn during and after your workout. We will introduce you to the best fat burner exercises below. Don’t worry: you don’t necessarily have to go to the gym or be well equipped with dumbbells etc. Exercises with your own body weight can also be highly effective for your weight loss goals. It is crucial that you perform them as quickly as possible once you have mastered the movement sequence and take only short or no breaks between the exercises. This increases energy consumption even more as the pulse increases, breathing accelerates and the entire metabolism revs up .

5 bodyweight exercises to lose weight at home

Training success can be achieved quickly even without large weight plates. The only important thing is to choose bodyweight exercises that target the large muscle groups. The best examples are the legs or the back. The following five exercises are perfect for this because they challenge many muscle groups at the same time.

By the way, you don’t have to do crunches to death to get six-pack abs: in functional exercises that target many muscles and joints at the same time, the core work usually involves the stomach. It’s better to save your energy and time for holistic exercises and just add a few isolated abdominal exercises at the end to finish off. However, you will only be rewarded with a six-pack if your diet is right.

1. Lunge squats

Stand in a lunge position with your left foot in front of your right. Clasp your hands behind your head. Pull your elbows and shoulders back. Lower your body as low as you can. Keep your back straight and your upper body as upright as possible. Your back knee almost touches the ground. Do as many reps per side as possible. If you do more than 20 repetitions, you can also hold a weight or a heavy object in front of your chest while you squat.

Muscles used: gluteus maximus (gluteus maximus muscle), quadriceps femoris muscle. Supporting muscles: hamstrings.

2. Wide push-ups

Get into the push-up position, place your hands twice shoulder-width apart and straighten your body under tension. Tap the mat beneath you with the tip of your nose or chest so that your body line and upper arms are horizontal to the floor. Hold briefly and then push back up to the starting position.

Muscles used: pectoralis major muscle. Supporting: triceps, anterior part of the deltoid, cartilaginous muscle, anterior serratus.

3. Single-leg hip raise

Lie on your back on the floor and rest your head on the floor. Place your right heel so that your knee is bent approximately at a right angle. Stretch your left leg as straight up as possible. Raise your pelvis until your upper body is in a straight line with your right thigh. Hold the position briefly, then lower your pelvis again, but do not rest it on the floor. At least ten repetitions, then change the leg position.

Muscles used: hamstrings, flat tendon muscles, semitendinosus muscles. Supporting: Gluteus maxiums, rectus abdominis, twin calf muscles.

4. Superman

Lying on your stomach on the floor, raise your arms straight in line with your body. The palms face each other. Press your pelvis into the floor and tense your torso. Simultaneously lift your arms and upper body as far off the ground as possible. The head remains in line with the spine and the gaze is directed towards the floor.

Muscles used: Back extensors (M. erector spinae), gluteus maximus, hamstrings.

5. Beetle

Lie on your back on the floor and hold your hands loosely at the back of your head. Keep your legs stretched above the floor and lift your shoulders. Pull your left knee up and turn your upper body to the left until your right elbow touches your left knee. Switch sides in a fluid movement without resting your shoulders or legs. In other words, now stretch your left leg, bring your right knee and left elbow together.

Muscles used: rectus abdominal muscle (musculus rectus abdominis), oblique abdominal muscle (m. obliquus abdominis).

The 5 best weight loss exercises

The same applies to training with equipment or in the studio: prefer large muscle groups to small ones in order to waste as much energy as possible. The barbell is an ideal training partner because it helps you move heavy loads safely. Choose a weight with which you can just about manage the specified load time or number of repetitions. And don’t forget to add half a kilo to a full kilo every week! This is the only way to provide training stimuli that will continually maximize your fat burning.

1. Barbell squats in a lunge position with arms straight

Stand in a lunge position with your left foot in front of your right. Hold a barbell above your head in a double shoulder-width overhand grip. Your arms are stretched. Lower your body as low as you can. The lower back remains straight and the upper body remains upright. Your back knee almost touches the ground. The arms remain in the stretched position. Switch legs in the next set.

Muscles used: gluteus maximus, quadriceps, hamstrings, triceps, serratus, latissimus, trapezius, deltoids, erector spinae, rectus abdominis.

2. Single-leg barbell deadlift

Stand upright and hold a barbell with an overhand grip. Alternatively, you can hold one or two dumbbells. Make sure your back is straight and bend forward at the hips. Lift your right leg straight off the floor without rotating your hips. Straighten your upper body. Feel free to repeat the exercise up to 15 times and then switch legs.

Muscles used: hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, erector spinae, trapezius. Supportive: abdominal muscles, hip muscles.

3. Barbell bench press

Lie on your back on a weight bench and place your feet flat on the floor. Hold a barbell with a shoulder-width overhand grip, with your arms stretched straight up. Slowly lower the barbell down until it almost touches your chest. Hold, then push back up to the starting position.

Muscles used: pectoralis major, triceps. Supporting: anterior part of the deltoid muscle, cartilaginous muscle, anterior serratus muscle.

4. Barbell trunk bends

Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart and place a barbell behind your neck. Hold the barbell with an overhand grip. Bend your knees slightly and lean your upper body forward about 45 to 60 degrees. Hold briefly and come back to the starting position.

Muscles used: Back extensors (M. erector spinae), gluteus maximus, hamstrings.

5. Seated row crunches

Sit on a bench and hold on to your sides with your hands. Lean your upper body back about 45 degrees and stretch your legs forward and down. Pull your knees towards your chest in a controlled manner, while raising your upper body slightly.

Muscles used: rectus abdominis muscle, hip muscles.

Beginners can lose weight with these 5 exercises

Of course, beginners shouldn’t carry out the most complicated movement sequences straight away. Nevertheless, the training should always be demanding, meaning: your grace period has expired! Start without extra weights and do the exercises that you have mastered properly at speed. Step by step you can then build up more repetitions and speed, add weights or choose more complex exercises. Your body can do more than you think.

Instead of counting repetitions, you can also set a timer on your phone and, depending on your level, stick to one exercise for 20 to 60 seconds before switching to the next within ten seconds.

1. Wall squats

Lean your back against a wall. Your feet are about half a meter in front of your body. Stretch your arms forward at shoulder height, palms facing down. Bend your elbows and press your upper arms against the wall. Use your elbows to push your body off the wall and bend your knees a little deeper. Stretch your arms forward again and repeat this process until your knees are bent at approximately a right angle.

Muscles used: quadriceps femoris, hamstrings, gluteus maximus. Supportive: back extensors, triad adductor.

2. Leg swinging in the air

are stretched out to the sides at shoulder height, the palms facing upwards. Turn your legs together to the left, but do not place them on the floor. Hold briefly at the lowest point. Return to the starting position and rotate to the right side on the next repetition.

Muscles used: oblique abdominal muscle (M. obliquus abdominis), rectus abdominal muscle (Musculus rectus abdominis).

3. Alternating jumps in push-ups

Assume a push-up position: The wrists are below the shoulders, the torso is tense and the whole body forms a straight line. Pull your right knee up in a large step until it is below your chest.

Muscles used: glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, supporting muscles: chest, triceps, hip muscles, abdominal muscles.

4. Trunk raise while lying down

Lie down in a prone position. The arms lie next to the body or you place the backs of your hands on your buttocks. Using the strength of your lower back, slowly lift your upper body. Pull your shoulder blades together and push your hands towards your feet.

Muscles used: back extensors.

5. Oblique crunches

Lay on the floor, raise your heels. Place your hands on your temples, elbows pointing outwards. Raise your upper body in a controlled manner and turn to the left and in the next repetition to the right.

Muscles used: oblique abdominal muscle (M. obliquus abdominis), rectus abdominal muscle (Musculus rectus abdominis).

Are you planning to lose weight? With this training plan it works!

If you want to lose weight smartly, you should stick to three simple principles. First: Choose the 5 exercises that suit you and your life. Second, mark 3 days a week when you can exercise. Please note that there should be at least 24, and preferably 48 hours of rest between training days. And third, stick to a strict schedule when performing the exercises. This one: You go full throttle for at least 30 seconds and then rest for a maximum of 15 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Repeat this combination of all five exercises for two to three more rounds. After each round of the five exercises, you can take a breather for a minute or two. If you feel like you could power for longer than half a minute, extend the active phase to 40 seconds and only allow 10 seconds for the change. 50 or even 60 seconds of action are also conceivable – the more intensively you train, the more intense the weight loss effect will be!

Conclusion: Use your own body weight to combat the pounds

Anyone who has gained a lot of weight should do the same during training afterwards so as not to gain a lot of weight themselves. Ideal exercises for this are movements with your own body weight that target large muscle groups and can be done easily at home. Also extremely effective in the fight against extra kilos: workouts with the barbell. It’s the easiest way to lift a lot of pounds, which means you’ll also lose a lot of them.

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