This tough 4-in-1 exercise replaces any full-body workout

This tough 4-in-1 exercise replaces any full-body workout. You only need 1 exercise: The Man Maker replaces any full-body workout and makes you more muscular, defined and more enduring at the same time. Here are the step-by-step instructions for your ultimate body transformation

If you could only do one fitness exercise from now on, what would it be? Probably one that targets as many muscle groups as possible at the same time, right? An exercise where you can also use weights to make progress – and you can do that without even going to the gym. Of course, it would be ideal if this exercise could also be done at a high speed to increase strength endurance and boost fat burning. And don’t forget: flexibility should also be trained.

You probably think of burpees first . But we’re going one step further – no, actually three: We’re combining the exercise with three other movements so that you really get the most out of it and use a complex and functional compound exercise for yourself, and also work overhead to strengthen your shoulders as well as your core and legs.

The 4-in-1 exercise we’re talking about comes from CrossFit and isn’t called “Man Maker” for nothing, because it strengthens you from your shoulders to your calves. The exercise is sometimes also called “Man Eater.”

Do you already have training experience and are looking for a new challenge? Then you should read on. This is what you have to eat if you want to have a six-pack

How to do the 4-in-1 exercise “Man Maker”

How exactly do you do the Man Maker? You start in the plank position on dumbbells , then do a one-arm rowing pull left and right , immediately after that do a thruster (a combination of squat and shoulder press) and finish the sequence with a push-up . You then repeat this entire sequence at least 5 times. This way you not only train your strength and endurance, but also your flexibility – all in a single exercise.

Here is the correct exercise sequence in detail.

You need two dumbbells, preferably square dumbbells that don’t roll away:

    • Stand upright with a dumbbell in each hand, feet hip-width apart.
    • Bend forward with the weights and support yourself on the dumbbells on the floor: you are now in a clean plank position. Your body forms a straight line from head to toe.
    • Shift your weight to your right hand and release your left: Row once by pulling the weight up from below to your chest as close to your body as possible. You generate the power for this from your shoulder. Move back into the forearm plank and shift your weight to your left side.
    • Now pull the weight towards your chest with your right hand in a rowing motion. Then come back into the support position.
    • From the support position, jump forward behind your hands with both legs at the same time, as in a burpee, and then pull yourself into a squat with the weights in your hands.
    • Use the springy power from the squat to swing into an upright position while simultaneously pressing the dumbbells over your head for the shoulder press.
    • Lower the weights in a controlled manner and bend your upper body forward again: You support yourself on the dumbbells again and come into the plank position.
    • Here, perform a clean push-up with a straight back and a tight core.
    • Now start again with rowing left and right, then perform the burpee and thruster movement with the shoulder press again.

Important Note:

Always make sure that your head remains in a straight line with your spine and that your core is firmly tensed to ensure a clean posture without a hollow back or hunchback. If you have problems with your joints, you can replace the jumps by simply placing your feet after you to make the exercise easier on your joints. This is what you need to eat in the definition phase to reveal your muscles

With the right technique, you will achieve the best possible training effect and at the same time prevent injuries. Since the Man Maker is a demanding exercise, you should always warm up well.

With this warm-up you prepare yourself properly

Because the Man Maker is so complex and requires a lot of mobility and speed plus additional weights, the risk of injury is high. Accordingly, a general and specific warm-up of 5 to 10 minutes in total is essential: Start with 5 to 10 minutes of cardio, such as jumping jacks or knee raises, to get your circulation going. Then mobilize muscles and joints in a targeted manner: Let your arms circle, go into a deep squat and do stretching lunges with torso rotations.

It is also a good idea to go through the individual components of the exercise to perfect the movement sequence and avoid injuries. For example, practice the rowing and shoulder press before doing the complete Man Maker.

Ultimately, warming up is also about preparing yourself mentally and in terms of coordination for the complex movements so that you stay focused and don’t stumble or drop your weight on your feet. This is how dangerous it is when your butt hurts

You train these muscles with the Man Maker

Pretty much all of them. After all, four popular exercises for large muscle groups are combined here, and the muscle soreness adds up. The pectoralis major and triceps are naturally used in the support and push-up, and secondarily the front shoulder area (deltoid muscle, pars clavicularis), the anconeus muscle (anconaeus muscle) and the serratus anterior muscle (serratus anterior muscle). The core muscles provide the necessary body tension and power transfer.

The subsequent rowing is back work: especially for the latissimus, the rear shoulder area, the trapezius muscle, the large and small rhomboid muscles (M. rhomboideus minor et major) and the infraspinatus muscle. The biceps and the arm flexor (M. brachialis) also naturally provide support.

The integrated squat challenges the quadriceps, the hamstrings and the large gluteus muscle. The adductors and the back extensors also help here.

Last but not least, all three parts of the deltoid muscle work for the shoulder press, as well as the triceps and the muscles in the upper back. If you now pick up the pace and jump into the forearm plank or back into the squat, you will also challenge your calves and hip flexors.

In addition to strength, you also train your endurance and flexibility

The Man Maker not only trains your muscles through rowing, push-ups, squats and shoulder presses, but also increases your strength endurance, especially if you manage to do more than 10 repetitions. The high speed and the large number of muscles used also boost fat burning. The exercise is therefore ideal for definition: you reduce fat without losing muscle mass in a slight calorie deficit.

Another positive effect: The complex movement mix of horizontal (plank, push-up, rowing) and vertical (squat, shoulder press) exercises also trains your coordination and mobility. Nevertheless, a subsequent cool-down with stretching or yoga exercises never hurts. Both improve your regeneration . But you can just as easily do this part on a day when you don’t train. The best exercises for the 7 most neglected muscles

This is the optimal equipment for the Man Maker

You definitely need a pair of dumbbells. But not just any dumbbells, square ones. With study hexagonal dumbbells you won’t roll away in the support position. Start with a light weight, maybe 5 to 10 kg, and do more repetitions before increasing the weight. You might find supporting on the dumbbells more comfortable with fitness gloves , which give you a more comfortable and secure grip. You also need a fitness mat to protect your joints and the floor. But that’s about it! You can do the exercise barefoot (socks are too slippery for the pace) or in flat training shoes.

How to optimally integrate the Man Eater into your training routine

The Man Maker is such a comprehensive exercise that you can use it alone in your workout. Set a timer for 5 to 20 minutes and count how many rounds you can do, in AMRAP mode: As Many Rounds As Possible.

The Man Maker is also ideal for high-intensity interval training : 40-60 seconds of full throttle and then 15-60 seconds of rest, times 3-4 rounds.

You can integrate the exercise into your workout 2 to 3 times a week: Depending on your goal, muscle building or strength endurance or fat burning, you then complete 6-12 or more repetitions. However, make sure that you give your body enough time to recover after intensive training sessions. Limit yourself to gentle endurance training or yoga for regeneration. The best 6 endurance sports for losing weight

Conclusion: The Man Maker is the solution for those in a hurry

The Man Maker is a perfect full-body exercise that not only strengthens your muscles, but also boosts endurance and fat burning. Especially for those who are short on time or are looking for a compact exercise, the Man Maker with nothing but a pair of dumbbells is the ideal solution. Try it now!

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